Tumour removal

The female and also the male breast can feature concretions or other masses in the glandular part, which may be discovered either by feeling (in the shower, by the partner, etc.) or during a routine examination by the physician. The breast can be broadly separated into glandular ducts, glandular lobes, areola (mamilla) and nipple (papilla). For women, it is one of the most important sexual organs and is of major importance for acceptance as a woman and self-esteem. Changes can occur in all the structures listed above. In all cases, any malignant development (malignity) must be excluded until evidence indicating otherwise is found. In addition to the physical examination, this includes additional techniques such as mammography, computer tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for routine purposes. Over the further course, a tissue sample may be taken (biopsy) in order to obtain a histological diagnosis. Recommendations for therapy can only be made following an exact determination (differentiation) of the tumour.

Therapy of a malignant tumour will then be performed at a breast care centre involving interdisciplinary co-operation of gynaecologists, plastic surgeons, oncologists, radiologists and pathologists.

If surgery is necessary, either the removal of the tumour only with a certain safety margin, of an entire breast segment or of the complete breast will be recommended depending on the diagnosed tumour type. Depending on the scope of surgery and the resulting defect, plastic surgery is required to re-establish form and integrity. This restoration (reconstruction) of the breast is performed with autologous tissue, heterologous tissue, or a combination of both. Tissue types such as muscular, adipose and dermal tissue may be used. In most cases, these tissues must be connected to the vascular system under the microscope and using magnifying spectacles (microvascular flap grafts). The time of restoration can be primary, i.e. during the surgical procedure of tumour or breast removal, or secondary, i.e. months or years later. The time is determined by the patient and her symptoms.

We specialise in consultation and performing procedures of this type, benefiting from 20 years of experience. Since individual case history and scope may vary, we always recommend comprehensive personal consultation.

Please arrange an appointment with us.

For more information please also see here.