Scar corrections

After accidents, tumours and the associated course of healing, but also after performed surgery, both aesthetically “displeasing” scars (bright red, wide, hard, painful, itchy, etc.) and functionally limiting scars (when opening or closing the mouth and eyes, inhaling in the region of the nostrils, turning the head or affecting the entire expression capacity of the head and facial region) may occur. In excessive scar formation, a distinction can be made between “hypertrophy” (scars limited to the wound) and keloids (scars reaching beyond the focal point). The genetic setup of each individual results in different healing tendencies and scar formation. Multiple additional factors impact the appearance of scars: Primarily the course of wound healing and whether an acute infection, a chronic wound healing impairment or comorbidities etc. have occurred. Further causes and accompanying symptoms negatively impacting wound healing and scar formation could be listed here; however, it is better to analyse and discuss them in detail considering each case individually.

Both “non-invasive” and invasive procedures are available for scar treatment; these should likewise be discussed individually to assess whether to apply them separately or in combination.

The most frequent therapeutic techniques are specific massages with special preparations, silicone bandages, shock wave therapy, laser treatment, injection of steroids, surgical treatment of scars (excision, direct closure, dermoplasty, injection of fat such as lipofilling, and many more) and change of habits.

Scar formation often displays extensive symptoms, which can be considered a medical condition; therefore the costs are partly covered by health or accident insurance.

Since individual case history and scope may vary, we always recommend comprehensive personal consultation. Please arrange an appointment with us.

For more information see also here.