Breast reduction in men – gynaecomastia

Male patients may also display symptoms of large breasts (gynaecomastia), although in them the weight is usually less of a problem compared with the aesthetic aspect.
The reasons for this may vary. There may be either a congenital tendency or hormonal (endocrinological) influences, such as increased oestrogen levels in case of (morbid) obesity, disorders of the testicles, adrenal glands, liver, thyroid or adverse effects of the intake of various medicines or anabolic agents. A combination of an increase in mammary gland tissue and the surrounding adipose tissue may be present. The cause is essential to the choice of therapeutic approach, namely liposuction and mammary gland removal (mastectomy). A blood tests by a hormone specialist (endocrinologist) will be performed prior to surgery. If no evidence of a pathological cause of gynaecomastia can be found, the surgery can be performed.
In some cases, we may recommend a procedure spanning two sessions, i.e. liposuction of the entire region of the pectoralis major muscle (pectoral region) is performed first, followed by the removal of the mammary gland applying a “crescent-shaped” incision along the areola (semi-periareolar) after 3-4 weeks. This approach has the advantage of a contraction of the skin (retraction) following liposuction. In rare cases, however, removal of excess skin may be necessary at the same time, resulting in increased scarring.